Blocking of Cards in case of Ineligibility, Demise and Disciplinary Reasons: ECHS | StaffNews (2025)

Blocking of Cards in case of Ineligibility, Demise and Disciplinary Reasons: ECHS

Central Organisation ECHS
Adjutant General’s Branch
Integrated Headquarters of
MoD (Army), Thimayya Marg,
Near Gopinath Circle,
Delhi Cantt- 110 010

6/497 11-NSC/AG/ECHS

16 Jul 2021

IHO of MoD (Air Force)
lHQ of MoD (Navy)
Ha South Comd (A/ECHS)
HQ East Comd (A/ECHS)
HQ West Comd (AAECHS)
HQ Central Comd (A/ECHS)
Northern Comd (A/ECHS) ,
South West Comd (A/ECHS)

All Regional Centres



1. The ECHS cards are required to be blocked for reasons due to ineligibility, demise of an ECHS beneficiary or due to disciplinary reasons when ordered by competent authority. A detailed procedure on the subject is given in succeeding paragraphs.

Blocking Of 64 KB ECHS Cards Of Dependent Beneficiaries By The Primary Beneficiary Due To Demise Or ineligibility.

2 . Blocking Of 64 Kb ECHS Card By ESM/ Primary Beneficiary Online Due To Ineligibility

(a) The provision for blocking of 64Kb ECHS Card due to ineligibility of dependent beneficiaries has been provided earlier. After logging in ECHS website/Portal using login credentials the ESM/Primary beneficiary will click on Block Cards’. A dropdown menu with following options will be available:-

(i) Due to change in data.
(ii) Due to loss of 64Kb card.
(iii) No more eligible.
(iv) Miscellaneous.

(b) The ESM/Primary beneficiary should choose one of the following options out of the dropdown menu for ‘No more Eligible’:

(i) Income is more than INR 9000/- excluding DA.
(ii) Age limit attained.
(iii) Marriage.
(iv) No more dependent.
(v) Others.

3 Blocking Of 64 Kb ECHS Card Of Dependent Beneficiaries By ESM/ Primary Beneficiary Online To Demise

(a) An online facility has been provided to the ESM/ Primary beneficiary to block the card of his/ her dependent beneficiary in case of demise. He/ She is required to login ECHS website/portal using login credentials and go to ‘Block Cards’ then choose the beneficiary who has died and block by clicking the option ‘Demise’. The date of death will have to be entered and death certificate will be required to be uploaded. Then click on the tab ‘Block Card’. Card once blocked cannot be re-activated.

(b) The cards blocked under Demise Category are required to be destroyed by the ESM/ Primary beneficiary immediately on blocking the cards online.

4. Blocking Of Cards Of ESM/Primary Beneficiary Due To Demise

(a) The ESM by default ts the primary beneficiary during his/her lifetime.

(b) Incase of demise of ESM (Primary Beneficiary), his/her 64 kb ECHS card can be blocked by the: NoK by using the login credentials on the ECHS website portal

(c) The NoK will choose the option for the ESM (Primary Beneficiary) and a upload the death certificate and enter date of demise.

(d) The system will automatically nominate the spouse as “Provisional Prime, Beneficiary’.

(e) The spouse will have to login using ECHS login credentials and then go to up date primary beneficiary tab and tick the check box “I agree” on the existing online application and click on submit tab. (with this the spouse agrees to the details covered in the online declaration given by the ESM while applying for 64 Kb ECHS Cards).

(f) Once the application is saved the spouse will be primary beneficiary card the ESM application will show date of demise.

(g) No re-print of the card or re-verification will be necessary. The data will be updated in the server and once the card is used at the parent polyclinic then the card will get updated accordingly. All the other beneficiaries dependent on the ESM earlier will continue to be active members. Annual validation as and when required will be undertaken by the new primary beneficiary (Spouse) for all the dependents

5. Blocking Of Cards Of ESM Due To Demise And When Spouse Also is Not Alive Or In The Event Of Demise Of Spouse As Primary Beneficiary

(a) In following cases there is a need for selecting a Primary Beneficiary:-

(i) In case of death of ESM and the spouse is also not alive.
(ii) In case of death of the spouse as Primary beneficiary.

(b) In above mentioned case, the claimant of the family pension from among the entitled in whose name PPO has been generated will have to be selected as Provisional Primary Beneficiary.

(c) A Suitable window has been provided to upload the fresh PPO issued by the PCDA, Allahabad. After uploading the PPO, the new primary beneficiary will click an ‘I agree” check box and save the application. The application will then be visible to the respective record office for verification.

(d) No re-print of the cards will be necessary. The data will get updated automatically and once the ECHS Card is used in the parent polyclinic the Kiosk will update the data on the cards.

(e) A period of six months will be available to the new Primary beneficiary to complete the process of initiation of online application and its verification by respective Record Office. During the period of six months when verification is being carried out by Records, all cards except those blocked due to demise will continue to remain functional. In case the process is not completed in the given time then the cards will be blocked. In case the application is verified by respective Records after the given period of six months, the card will be made functional after the explicit approval by CO ECHS.

Blocking Of Cards Parent Polyclinic.

6. Blocking of Cards Dut to Demise of Beneficiary

(a) The OIC may get information of demise from UTI-ITSU Military Hospital/ Empanelled Hospital/ ESM/ Primary beneficiary/ ECHS beneficiary.
(b) The OIC Polyclinic will block the card by using his/ her digital signature and will be required to enter the Card No. of the beneficiary, the date of demise and upload death certificate.
c) In case of blocking of card by OIC PC on demise of ESM/Primary beneficiary the NOK will under take all actions after blocking of cards as per Para 4(e) and 5(b) to (e).

7 Blocking Of Card Due To Indiscipline

(a) A provision will be provided to the OIC Parent Polyclinic to block cards due to disciplinary reasons.

(b) This facility will only be used after receipt of written approval of the – competent authority to block cards due to disciplinary reasons.

c) The OIC Parent Polyclinic will be required to enter the letter number and details in the system and also upload the ink signed letter on the system to block cards using his/ her digital signatures.

8. Blocking Of Cards Due To Ineligibility

(a) The OIC parent PC will get a dropdown menu under blocking of card tab due to ineligibility. The OIC parent polyclinic will choose one out of the follow options and give suitable remark and upload supporting document which may include a written request by the primary beneficiary :-

(i) Income is more than INR 9000/=excluding DA.
(ii) Age limit attained.
(iii) Marriage.
(iv) No more dependent.
(v) Others.

(b) The card once blocked cannot be restored. In case for some reason dependent becomes eligible again, then a fresh add on application will have to be processed using same login credentials. The add on application will be verified by the respective Records and the card for the added beneficiary will be re-printed after due payment.

9. This supersedes CO, ECHS letter No. B/49711-NSC/AG/ECHS dated 01 Jul 2021 on the subject.

(Rakesh Kakar)
Col (Retd)
Jt Dir (Statistics & Automatioy)

Copy to:
Directorate of Air Veterans Subroto Park, New Deihi- 10

Coast Guard Veteran Cell, Coast Guard HQs, New Delhi

All other Record Offices

SourceDOTcom Pvt. Ltd. K7/35, DLF Phase, Sector-25, Gurugram, Haryana-122002 – 1. For information and necessary action please. 2. Summary Report of such cases will also be made available to Stn HQ, RC and Central Org in r/o polyclinics/RC under their jurisdiction through The portal.

M/s UTHTSL – UTI Bhawan, Plot No.3, Sector -11 CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai Maharashtra-400614. 1. For information and necessary action please.2. Summary Report of such cases reported through your portal will be made available to RCs and Central Org through the portal.

Source: Click here to view/download the PDF

Blocking of Cards in case of Ineligibility, Demise and Disciplinary Reasons: ECHS | StaffNews (2025)


Blocking of Cards in case of Ineligibility, Demise and Disciplinary Reasons: ECHS | StaffNews? ›

7 The ECHS cards are required to be blocked for reasons due to ineligibility, demise of an ECHS beneficiary or due to disciplinary reasons when ordered by competent authority.

How to block an ECHS card? ›

The date of death will have to be entered and death certificate will be required to be uploaded. Then click on the tab block card. Card once blocked cannot be re-activated. (b) The cards blocked under demise category are required to be destroyed by the ESM/ Primary beneficiary immediately on blocking the cards online.

Is the ECHS card valid all over India? ›

The ECHS card can be used at any ECHS polyclinic, military hospitals, and empanelled private hospitals across India for both outpatient and inpatient treatments, ensuring coverage for comprehensive healthcare.

What is the policy of ECHS? ›

Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme(ECHS)

The Scheme aims to provide allopathic and AYUSH Medicare to Ex-servicemen pensioner and their dependents through a network of ECHS Polyclinics, Service medical facilities, Government hospitals, empanelled private hospitals/specified Govt.

How do I activate my ECHS card? ›

You must log in to the website and check the status of your card. You will get a text message update when the card is picked up. To activate the card, send the text ACTIVATE>SPACEECHS CARD NUMBER> to 011-25682870.

What is the procedure for loss of ECHS card? ›

Ans : Incase ECHS card is lost then login ECHS website using login credentials and block the lost card. Further, apply for reprint of lost card and make the payment online. The card will be printed and forwarded to the Station HQ's of your affiliated parent polyclinic.

How can I check my ECHS card status online? ›

Enter Details: In the "ECHS Card Status" section, you'll be prompted to enter either your ECHS Card Application number or the registered mobile number used during the online application for the ECHS card. Remember to input the mobile number registered on the ECHS portal during the application process.

What are the different types of ECHS? ›

There are five types of ECHS Polyclinics i.e. Type 'A', 'B', 'C' D, & E . Authorisation of Contractual Staff in each type of ECHS Polyclinic is based on the load capacity of echs ECHS Polyclinic.

Who is the head of ECHS? ›

Maj Gen Manoj Natarajan

Army Headquarters, AG's Branch Maudelines, Delhi Cantt.

What is the referral limit for ECHS? ›

Referral to Empanelled Hospital.

ECHS member will be referred to the empanelled facility of his choice. (b) A single referral for treatment in the empanelled hospital will be valid for 30 days. Referral for the cases of Cancer will be valid for a period of three months.

How do I transfer my ECHS card? ›

Here's how it works

Send echs card transfer via email, link, or fax. You can also download it, export it or print it out. Draw your signature, type it, upload its image, or use your mobile device as a signature pad. Send echs card transfer via email, link, or fax.

How do I claim ECHS? ›

The parent Polyclinic after verifying the prior permission letter for obtaining treatment and ensuring that all relevant documents are enclosed will issue a dated acknowledgement to the claimant. The ECHS Polyclinic would upload the claim online to Bill Processing Agency (BPA) UTI-ITSL subsequently.

How can I apply for a CSD card online? ›

PROCEDURE: 1) Online Website for CSD Smart Card:- https: // 2) Fill up Online Form. 3) Make online payment. 4) CSD Cards will be delivered within 7-20 days by courier service directly at your home address. 5) You can track your online application also.

How to change Echs polyclinic online? ›

  1. Note: This facility is only available to beneficiaries with the New 64 Kb Smart Card. ...
  2. Step 1: Login to ECHS Website
  3. Step 2: Select Beneficiary and Desired Polyclinic.
  4. Step 3: Action by OIC (Old Parent) Polyclinic.
  5. Step 4: Action by OIC (New Parent) Polyclinic.
Jan 28, 2024

How do I submit my ECHS claim online? ›

ECHS beneficiaries should be able to submit their reimbursement claims online through the Bill Processing Agency (BPA) Site ( Beneficiaries can submit reimbursement claims for IPD, OPD, and NA medicines on this URL.

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