Standard Specification for Annealed or Cold-Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel Sheet, Strip, Plate, and Flat Bar (2025)

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Licensee may not assign or transfer its rights under this Agreement without the prior written permission of ASTM.

E. Taxes.
Licensee must pay any applicable taxes, other than taxes on ASTM's net income, arising out of Licensee's use of the ASTM Product and/or rights granted under this Agreement.

Standard Specification for  Annealed or Cold-Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel Sheet, Strip,  Plate, and Flat Bar (2025)


What is the ASTM standard for stainless steel flat bar? ›

  • Standard : ASTM A276, ASME SA276.
  • Dimensions : EN, DIN, JIS, ASTM, BS, ASME, AISI, ASTM, ASME.
  • Flat Bar Size : 2mm ~ 100mm.
  • Thickness : 1/8" – 3"
  • Width : 3/8” - 8”

What is the ASTM standard for stainless steel sheet? ›

The ASTM A240 SS 304 Sheet can withstand high temperatures up to 870 degrees Celsius. The sheets are used for this reason in evaporators, heat exchangers and in other high temperature applications. The Stainless Steel 304 Plate is also used in drums, barrels, dairy equipment, food processing and in hospital equipment.

What is ASTM A666? ›

ASTM A666 is the specification standard for how austenitic stainless steel is heated and cooled for various applications.

What temperature is annealing for austenitic stainless steel? ›

Most austenitic stainless steels are annealed at a minimum temperature of 1900°F (1040°C) followed by water quenching or rapid cooling. Martensitic steels are annealed at lower temperatures (approximately 1400°F / 760°C) and are slowly cooled.

What is the difference between ASTM A276 and ASTM A479? ›

The primary difference between ASTM A276 and A479 is that, A276 defers bars for reforging and free machining grades whereas A479 is silent and thus, they are presumed to not be covered. The ASTM A479 materials are specifically used in pressure vessels and boiler applications.

What is the difference between ASTM A269 and ASTM A511? ›

ASTM A511 vs ASTM A269 use different production processes. ASTM A511 stainless steel tube is mainly produced by cold drawing process while ASTM A269 stainless steel pipe is mainly produced by seamless and welding process.

What is the difference between ASTM 304 and ASTM 316? ›

316 stainless steel contains molybdenum, but 304 does not. Both of these 300-grade steels are known for their excellent welding and forming properties, which give them applications across many industries. These alloys cannot be hardened by heat treatment, but they can develop high strength by cold working.

What is 304 ASTM stainless steel standard? ›

304 and 304L ASTM A240 stainless steel plate is a standard 18-8 material – meaning it contains 18% chromium and 8% nickel. 304 Stainless steel plate is one of the most versatile stainless steel materials available.

What is the code for ASME stainless steel? ›

ASME B36. 19M Stainless Steel Pipe - ASME.

What is the difference between ASTM A1008 and ASTM A653? ›

While ASTM A1008/A1008M is used for uncoated low-carbon steels, ASTM A653/A653M is used for hot-dipped galvanized low-carbon steels.

What is standard ASTM D790? ›

ASTM D790 is a testing method to determine the flexural (bending) properties of reinforced and unreinforced plastics, high-modulus composites, and electrical insulation materials.

What is ASTM D6926? ›

Preparation of Asphalt Mixture Specimens Using Marshall

Apparatus1. This standard is issued under the fixed designation D6926; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.

Can austenitic stainless steel be cold worked? ›

Cold working of austenitic stainless steels can partially transform austenite to martensite. As martensite is ferromagnetic, cold worked austenitic stainless steels can show a degree of 'pull' towards a magnet.

Why austenitic stainless steel Cannot be heat treated? ›

With sufficient quantities of nickel, stainless steel remains austenite at room temperature, creating the austenitic steels. They are nonmagnetic and cannot be heat treated for through hardening like carbon steels because the phase transformation to martensite does not occur in these alloys.

Can 304 stainless steel be annealed? ›

While 304 stainless steel can undergo heat treatment processes, like annealing, to improve certain properties, it cannot be hardened by heat treatment in the same way that many other steels can.

What ASTM is 304 stainless bar? ›

The most familiar stainless steel is probably Type 304, sometimes called T304 or simply 304. Type 304 surgical stainless steel is austenitic steel containing 18-20% chromium and 8-10% nickel. Specifications: ASTM A276, ASTM A479, ASME SA479 & AMS 5639.

Is ASTM A36 stainless steel? ›

ASTM A36 is a structural carbon steel for construction and bridge building that meets the requirements of ASTM A36/A36M. Classification: Structural carbon steel.

What ASTM is 316 bar? ›

The ASTM A276 Type 316 Rod is a specification for hot rolled and cold drawn rods except for the forged ones. The material is hard, strong and high temperature capable. It can also be used under the A479 specification as pressure vessel category.

What ASTM code is stainless steel 304? ›

304 SS plates have excellent corrosion resistance in a variety of different media. Typical specifications for 304 and 304L ss plates are ASTM A-240, ASME SA -240 and A666.

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

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